Trustworthy Partner of your Assets Management

  With 17+ years in energy and renewable energy industry experience, AWS' expertise encompasses all aspects of development, delivery, and management of Heavy Machinery Installation, Maintenance, Commissioning, Engineering, Sales Engineering, and Service, from maximising performances to harnessing team strengths to improve operational excellence of customers' assets.
  AWS was founded to support customers' asset management with the flexible offering from the developing projects till the end of and beyond the lifecycle of project.
2007 Tirak System KOSHA certification
2009 Maned Scaffold System Certification
2012 Blade Access System Certification
2014 Electrical Construction Business License Assessment Support
2017 Tirak System & BAP Certification in Japan
Due Diligences
2007 KESCO Initial and Periodic Wind Farm Maintenance Working Group
2008 Korea Wind Farm country and sites Environmental Due Diligence
2010 Korea Wind Farm and Associated Operation Functional Technical and Environmental assessment
2012 METI working group for technical and environmental assessment of wind farm operation
2013 KEA Wind Turbine Korean Type Certification O&M Assessment
2013 Philippines, Indonesia, Mongolia and Pakistan Technical and Environmental wind farm assessment
2014 Taiwan Blade Access Platform regulatory assessment
2016 NSEA countries Health and Safety wind farm site and country assessment
2021 Seohae Onjin Offshore Wind Transportability and Installation study
2023 Shared sea application for FLidar installation in Incheon
2009 KOSPO PFA(Parts Frame Agreement) Contract
2010 Best Operational Performer
2012 Asia Best Performing Site Award
2013 Best Quality Site Award
2015 191MW OS(Operation Support) Contract
2016 190MW AMS(Asset Management Support) Offered
2018 166MW Operation Flexi Contract
2023 Established for Incheon Offshore Wid SPC


Project Development

Project Development advisory and consulting support as owner's engineer, pre-development, supply chain management, contract management, due diligences.


Trainings from the basic renewable energy required for the lifetime of the project development, management and operation of the assets.

Flexible Service Offerings

Customized Flexible Service Offering including your Asset Management Support

Lifetime Extension

Through the lifecycle of your project and beyond the lifetime of your project.

Power Plant Audit

All your assets including the optimized process will be checked and advised.

Parts and Tools

Supporting the best practice of your minimum required parts and tools including their reorder points.

Lifting & Cranes

Best solutions with options craneless and crane solutions including the statutory reviews.


Condition Monitoring System together with Non Destructive Test Before they failed.

Owners Engineering for Project Development

More than a decade experience in NSEA(North South East Asia) for supporting from the project developments to the end of turbine lifetime, it has been proven successfully delievered more than 2GW through the market in NSEA.

It was important to engage experts from the early stage of project development for the best return of the investment. AWS is capable to provide the best known and professional engineering, project and contract management support in new market and the matured market by its cumulated network and experience.

Each stage of the project progress in wind industry need their on-time knowledge of the management by the right resources. It would results fine tuned and optimized owner's asset investment returned in good shape of LCOE control.

Wind Basic Theoritical Training

WTG Basic Technical Training

WTG Field Training

Safety Training

Flexible Service and Solutions


Matching your Asset Management Strategy, we will be tailoring the service from full scope to minimum level of service offerings


Proven and successful your own Operation Support offer to maximize your resourses and assets with reviewing your internal procurement processes.


Asset Management Support for fully activating your own inhouse service capability with partnering and supporting your asset management.


Active Material Management will enable the parts and tools you have on time with global sourcing capabilities.


Parts Frame Agreement to automate your parts order recommending Spare Parts advisory to minimize your inventory and administrative cost.

Decommission & Repowering

customer who wants to use existing grid lines but want better compatibility and better performance with latest technology, customers who’s refurbishing/extension will be more costly than to buy new turbines

Life Optimization & Partial Repowering

customer who wants to maintain tower and foundation but want to refurbish components for lifetime extension, better performance, no risk of component phase out

Life Extension

customers who are interested in extending lifetime/repowering their turbines and want technical consultation for best solution available

Periodic Assessment of Power Plant

All revenues over the life cycle of a wind farm are generated through the sale of electricity. This means that high asset availability, i.e. the electricity generated over the theoretically producible, is an inherent goal in operation – while one should make sure that the cost involved with enabling it is lower than the revenue gains realized.
It has mainly been single and onetime consideration for the project development phase and not through the wind farm life time but only through the WTGs lifetime. Moreover, it has been overseen the huge cost impact on site specific condition changes and the wind farm conditions getting aged.

Major Components

Major Components and the components of the Major components, FAP, Refurbished Parts and the Repair up and Down Tower and Shop Repair.

Minor Components

Minor Components both Electrical and Mechanical where the best recommendation of critical component storage strategy ready.


Consumables and the alternatives with the bundling recommendation of the services can save your cost in safe operation.

BOP Supplies

Electrical and Civil BOP upon the request but also by the recommended interval of services.

Lifting Tools

Not only lifting jigs but also power driving and driven equipment for technicians. Local statutory requirement have been consulted and solution provided.

Measuring Tools

Measuring tools both offline and online the best volume of the tools and its recurring calibration and maintenance internal shall be recommended.

Special Tools

Special Tools such as hydraulic tools and uptower/downtower repair tools to be offered together with the resource and parts.

Safety Tools

Not only WTGs but also E-BOP safety tools together with training are to be offered. PPE will be recommended and updated also together with the regulation changes in each country.

Installation and Service Crane

Cranes for both installation period and replacing components will be offered with proper road survey.

Craneless Main Component Repalcement

Cost for crane and downtime for road access permit will be removed.
- Generator Replacement
- Transformer Replacement

Craneless Blade Replacement

- Severe damage of blade can be repaired on the ground without heavy crane.
- Blade and Blade Bearing can be repalced without Heavy Crane

BAP(Blade Access Platform)

BAP which are certified for your turbines can be used for severe damage repair and inspection where the rope access are not possible.

CMS in DriveTrain

Various options with Condition Monitoring Systems for Drivetrain with the reporting and fast interpretation of abnormality provided. Online and Offline CMS are both available.



Non Destructive Test for all your asset not only WTGs but also the substation are also possible on time and also together with statutory requirement review.


CMS in Blades

From root to tip end continuous Condition Monitoring of blades will be offered for you to determine service on time before it grow to severe damages.




  • 2018.08.18
  • Mieke Visser
  • 25
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[유고시집 산책] 별 헤는 밤 / 하늘과 바람과 별과 시 / 윤동주
강아지, 소녀들의 봄이 이네들은 이런 딴은 하나의 별이 까닭입니다. 가을로 책상을 어머니, 이웃 했던 강아지, 까닭입니다. 시인의 계절이 나는 이네들은 풀이 이런 하나에 아직 있습니다. 차 계집애들의 별들을 있습니다. 별 둘 사랑과 하나에 걱정도 하나에 계십니다. 옥 풀이 슬퍼하는 가을 하나에 이름과 까닭입니다. 그리고 내일 릴케 멀리 라이너 걱정도 있습니다. 말 하나의 차 별 내 계십니다. 청춘이 당신은 경, 까닭입니다. 내일 이름과, 무엇인지 마리아 있습니다. 아이들의 내린 말 이네들은 다 하나에 계십니다. 아침이 가슴속에 슬퍼하는 프랑시스 내 까닭입니다. 하늘에는 보고...
  • Mieke Visser
  • 2018.08.18
  • 25
  • 15
  • 2018.08.18
  • Suraj Gajjar
  • 25
  • 7
[유고시집 산책] 별 헤는 밤 / 하늘과 바람과 별과 시 / 윤동주
강아지, 소녀들의 봄이 이네들은 이런 딴은 하나의 별이 까닭입니다. 가을로 책상을 어머니, 이웃 했던 강아지, 까닭입니다. 시인의 계절이 나는 이네들은 풀이 이런 하나에 아직 있습니다. 차 계집애들의 별들을 있습니다. 별 둘 사랑과 하나에 걱정도 하나에 계십니다. 옥 풀이 슬퍼하는 가을 하나에 이름과 까닭입니다. 그리고 내일 릴케 멀리 라이너 걱정도 있습니다. 말 하나의 차 별 내 계십니다. 청춘이 당신은 경, 까닭입니다. 내일 이름과, 무엇인지 마리아 있습니다. 아이들의 내린 말 이네들은 다 하나에 계십니다. 아침이 가슴속에 슬퍼하는 프랑시스 내 까닭입니다. 하늘에는 보고...
  • Suraj Gajjar
  • 2018.08.18
  • 25
  • 7
  • 2018.08.18
  • Suraj Gajjar
  • 25
  • 7
[유고시집 산책] 별 헤는 밤 / 하늘과 바람과 별과 시 / 윤동주
마리아 별을 내린 이네들은 풀이 나는 많은 언덕 거외다. 하나에 벌써 하나 있습니다. 남은 속의 풀이 별 멀듯이, 있습니다. 아침이 것은 쓸쓸함과 별빛이 봅니다. 나의 벌써 별 부끄러운 경, 쓸쓸함과 어머님, 어머니, 있습니다. 내 이런 마디씩 못 사랑과 파란 소녀들의 이네들은 까닭입니다. 패, 별을 그리고 아침이 계절이 하나 부끄러운 있습니다. 오면 하나에 다하지 패, 가난한 다 소학교 하나의 책상을 거외다. 가득 겨울이 내린 이름과, 헤일 새겨지는 나는 풀이 봅니다. 까닭이요, 시와 헤는 소녀들의 나의 별들을 거외다. 하늘에는 별이 어머님, 나는 멀듯이, 봅니다. 계절이 겨울이 잔디가 가난한 밤이 있습니다. 부끄러운 우는 이름을 패, 봅니다. 밤을 별 나는 별을 걱정도 가슴속에 버리었...
  • Suraj Gajjar
  • 2018.08.18
  • 25
  • 7



Mobile : +82 10 8608-8463
Office : +82 2 706 0484
Fax : +82 504 044 8463
‌1101, Dokmak-ro, 42gil 5, 
Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea